HTML MCQ questions and answers 0 comments 1. HTML Stand for Higher Text Markup Language Hypertext Markup Language Hyper Text Makup Language Hiper Text Markup Language None 2. What tag is used to display the pictures on a webpage? photo image picture img None 3. Which tags are used to make text bold? Answer can be multiple! strong bold bb b 4. What is the correct example of editing an HTML class called "example" with CSS? .example [property:value; } .example {property: value;} .example { property: value, } example { property:value; } None 5. Which tag is used to make a text italic? italiano italic ii i None 6. What causes hr tags to be used? Answer can be multiple! Line break Make a devider Make a horizontal line None of above None 7. How many heading tags are available in HTML? 05 06 04 08 None 8. How many H1 tags are recommended in an HTML file? Multiple Only 05 Only one Only 02 None 9. Why br tag is used in HTML? Make a text bold. Break a line Highlight a line All of above None 10. p tag use for? Make a paragraph. Insert a picture. Insert a font None of above None 11. An attribute is a way of describing the ------ of an HTML element. Statics Characteristics Representing an HTML element None of above. None 12. id is an example of------ Tag Attribute None of above Both of above None 13. Which of the below character tells browsers to stop tagging the text? % ?? / \ None 14. Tags are written in HTML document------ Upper case Lower case Proper case Upper case and lowercase None 15. Marquee is a tag in HTML to … Make the list of items to maintain in queue Mark the text so that it is hidden in browser Display text with scrolling effect None of above None 16. When an image cannot load in a browser, which of the following tags show instead the image? img alt br end None 17. What is the latest version of HTML? HTML 3 HTML 4 HTML 5 HTML 6 None 18. Which is the full meanings of div tag in HTML? Division Content Element Division tag Content Division Element None of above. None 19. Where to connect a CSS file in a HTML document? Into the head section Into the body section Into the footer section None of above None 20. An ordered list is a ----- list and an unordered list is a ----- list. bulleted and numbered bulleted and tubular bubular and numbered numbered and bulleted None 21. Which is the correct example to write responsive CSS code? @media all and (max-width:320px){ .selector {property1:value; property2:value;} @media all and(max-width:320px){ .selector { property1: value; property2:value; }} Both of above None of above None 22. Is it possible to write inline CSS into a HTML file? No Yes None 23. Where the title tag is written in the HTML file? Into the head section Into the body section Bellows the footer section All of above None 24. CSS stand for- Current Style Sheet Cumulative service sheet Cascading style sheet Cascad style sheet None 25. What is the latest version of CSS? CSS 5 CSS 4 CSS 3 CSS 2 None 26. What is the work of CSS in HTML? Use for Improve security of a HTML file. CSS is used for an HTML file style Speed optimization of a HTML file. None of above None 27. Which example is the correct syntax of CSS? selector{ property1:value; property2:value; } selector[ property1:value; property2: value; ] selector{ property1:value, property2:value, } selector ( property1:value; property2:value; ) None 28. Which is the correct option to write a comment inside a CSS file? /* Example comment text */ */ Example comment text/* /Example comment text/ None of above. None 29. What is Bootstrap? Bootstrap is a programming language. Bootstrap is a framework of CSS. Bootstrap is a framework of HTML. Bootstrap is a framework of PHP. None 30. What is the latest version of Bootstrap? Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 6 Bootstrap 5 None 31. How many columns allows in bootstrap grid system? 06 09 05 12 None 32. Which of the following software can be easily used for writing HTML code? Answer can be multiple! MS word Visual Studio Code Powerpoint Notepad 33. Which of the following sign can be use for insert HTML project in Visual studio code editor? ? / $ ! None 34. What causes hr tags to be used? break a line Make a horizontal line. insert a line None of above None 35. Which class used for make 100% layout in Bootstrap? full-width fluid width None of above None 1 out of 1 Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.