If a visitor enters your website on any specific page and does not visit any other page of the same site before leaving the site, or they do not click on a link or exit the site directly without purchasing anything. Its percentage is called bounce rates. In a nutshell, if a visitor enters a specific page of the site and leaves the site directly without taking any action, then this percentage is called the bounce rate.

Table of Contents:

  1. Bounce rates formula.
  2. What is a good bounce rate?
  3. How to calculate bounce rates on google analytics.
  4. Bounce rates vs exit rate.
  5. How to reduce bounce rates.
  6. What causes the bounce rates to go beyond certain limits?
  7. How does bounce rates affect SEO?
  8. Conclusion.

1. Bounce Rates Formula:

Bounce rate

This is a very simple formula. Suppose a website has 100 visitors. Of these, 50 visitors left the website directly after visiting only one page, not visiting any other page, not accessing any link, not purchasing anything, Or without filling out any form. Then the bounce rates of the website will be 50%.

2. What is a good Bounce Rate:

According to the information of a famous website like semrush– 56% to 70% is on the high side, although there could be a good reason for this, and 41% to 55% would be considered an average bounce rates. An optimal bounce rate would be in the 26% to 40% range.

3. How to calculate bounce rate on google analytics:

According to google analytics-Bounce rates is single-page sessions divided by all sessions or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.

4. Bounce rate vs exit rate:

Bounce rate

We often misunderstand two metrics. There is a subtle difference between them. The example of Google Analytics makes this very clear. Let’s learn about bounce rates and exit rate from a small example.

For example, some visitors have visited some important pages of our website. Such as Home page, About page, Contact us page, Product page.

  • Saturday>New Visitor>Home Page>Product Page>Contact Us Page>Exit
  • Sunday>New Visitor>Product Page>Home Page>Contact Us Page>Exit
  • Monday> New Visitor>Home Page>Exit

As we see in the example above, in three sessions of three days in total, only bounce occurred on Monday. But exits occurred on all three days.

According to google: –The Content report for Page Homepage would show 3 pageviews and a 50% bounce rate. You might have guessed that the Bounce Rate would be 33%, but the Tuesday pageview granted to Homepage is not considered in its Bounce Rate calculation. Consider that a bounce is the notion of a session with only one interaction from the user, and the session-centric analysis answers a simple yes/no question: “Did this session contain more than one pageview?” If the answer to that question is “no,” then it’s important to consider which page was involved in the bounce. If the answer is “yes,” then it only matters that the initial page in the session leads to other pageviews. For that reason, the bounce rate for a page is only meaningful when it initiates the session.

5. How to reduce bounces rates:

Below are some of the main reasons why the bounce rates may increase.

  • Find out why visitors are leaving so quickly.
  • Ask yourself, if you searched or wanted to read any topics, what would you expect? Decorate your blog that way. That is, think as a reader before becoming a writer.
  • Unplanned and bad layout of the website can confuse the visitor. So, beautiful UX and UI are very important.
  • The website must be responsive.
  • Website must have better loading speed both in mobile and desktop.
  • Use attractive images, good writing style, animation, or others that users may like. Because human beings always like nice visual aspects more than content.
  • Use some plugin to build popup, contact form and show its before they exit. This will help you to find the reason of why visitors leaving so quickly. Try to use reasonable popup. Because maximum number of visitors dislike popup.
  • Use relevant events to bring them Closer.
  • Use a good live chat plugin. This will help to communicate directly visitors and site owner. If visitors have more questions, they can contact directly. This will increase their loyalty to the site.

6. What causes the bounce rates to go beyond certain limits?

In the above paragraph, we have seen how the bounce rate can be reduced or kept within certain limits. That is, there are many answers to why the bounce rate exceeds a certain limit in the paragraph above. Here are a few more important reasons.

  • Thematic writing, a good writing font should be chosen. Bad fonts and paragraph settings can annoy the reader. This way the reader may lose interest and leave the page.
  • You need to choose the right keywords. Because of the keyword that the visitor will search for, when they come to the page and see the text is not exactly compatible with that keyword, then he must leave the page.
  • Use plenty of charts, images, screenshots, and quotes from industry experts, where appropriate.
  • Adequate internal linking is required. So that the visitor becomes more interested and can visit other pages. However, the links must be consistent with the text read.
  • Be aware of the errors. Such as 404, 403, 300, and others.
  • After all, visitors need to be gifted with fresh, unique articles, a good user experience, etc.

If you do not pay attention to these issues, the bounce rate may exceed certain limits.

7. How does bounce rates affect SEO:

In fact, the algorithms of search engines are always mysterious. They do not want to reveal these. Let’s take a look at some evidence in this case-

  1. June 12, 2020, Google’s John Mueller confirmed that Google does not use bounce rate as a ranking factor in a webmaster hangout.
  2. Google’s Matt Cutts said in a Sphinn forum, “bounce rates would not only be spammable but noisy.
  3. On April 14, 2017, Google’s Gary Illyes said on Twitter, “bounce rate is not a good signal.”

According to a common proverb, many think, high bounce rate may be a sign of poor content to Google and other major search engines- like Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, Safari, Baidu. But, subject to the above evidence we can strongly say that, Bounce rate never has a direct effect on website ranking. However, the reasons for the increase in the bounce rate – such as slow page speed, bad content and some others, will definitely affect the SEO ranking.

So, finally we can understand that-Bounce rate can’t directly affect SEO ranking.

8. Conclusion:

Bounce rate is a metric so that we can analyze some aspects of the website. This will give you an idea of ​​the performance of the website and the content.

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